
track 1
Kapstadt, 2002, als ich nach Hause fuhr, sah ich Lionshead vor einem wundersamen Sonnenuntergang silhouettiert und sang vor Freude.
So wurde You geboren, ein Lied, das die Schönheit unserer natürlichen Welt feiert und Dankbarkeit für die vielen Segnungen ausdrückt, die wir um uns herum haben.
You, silhouette the mountain on,
A sky blazing with the setting sun.
You, plunge the evening into blue,
As an ocean breeze chills me through and through
You, made angel fish gape unintelligently,
Coz You knew that that would appeal to me,
You, in the sublime or ridiculous,
You are You nothing more, nothing less.
And I,
I wanna know more,
I wanna know what makes You, You.
Lord I wanna know more,
Coz I like the way You’re so,
You’re so,
YOU! Make a city-lit mist comfort the ground,
Like a carpet that muffles footstep’s sound,
You, make the thundering waves stop at my feet,
Throw sins where east and west don’t meet.
You, paint a colourful rainbow after the rain,
To remind me that You’ll keep Your promise again,
You, show me in detail that you care,
When each season’s scent perfumes the air.
And I,
I wanna know more,
I wanna know what makes You, You.
Lord I wanna know more,
Coz I like the way You’re so,
You’re so,
Pre Bridge: La, la, la
Like flowers on the mountainside.
In your bigness I can hide.
Though You make all things new,
Yet I find You’re always You,
Repeat Chorus x 2
estledaire 2002
(tanya michelle matefi)
Punctuality’s a punctured paradigm.
When you grow up influenced by African time.
When I say I’ll be there, “just now”,
What I'm saying is something undefined.
It may be 15 seconds,
It might be half an hour,
A day a month a year,
but anytime with you’s just fine, my dear….
Coz you, ooooooh
You make me sing, you make me smile,
For you, I always have time, so stay for a while.
When I get lost inside my mind
There’s no clock for me to wind
My “punctured-ality” leaks minutes and hours,
but for you I always have ample time
It may be 15 seconds,
It might be half an hour,
A day a month a year,
but anytime with you’s just fine, my dear….
Repeat Chorus X 2
I won’t exaggerate, oh
Your time don’t hesitate, no
Can’t stop these turning hands,
My hour glass out of sand.
I need an extra helping
of this sweet, sweet “somewhile”
Give me a second, second,
on your tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock,
tick-tock, clock dial
African Time Chorus in Swing Rhythm
Chorus x 2:
estledaire 12.01.2015
(tanya michelle matefi)
track 2
punctured punctuality erforscht spielerisch unterschiedliche kulturelle Wahrnehmungen von Zeit und das berüchtigte südafrikanische "just now", findet aber, dass wir bei jedem Verständnis von Pünktlichkeit immer Zeit für die Menschen finden, die uns wichtig sind.

track 3
Ich summte eine neue Melodie und das Wort "Daisy" blieb in meinen Gedanken bestehen, egal wie sehr ich versuchte, es zu verdrängen. Da musste ich an das bekannte Lied "Daisy-belle" denken, das ich als Kind gerne mit meinen Großeltern gesungen habe. Die Geschichte eines jungen Paares, das auch für eine ausgefallene Hochzeit pleite war und die Kirche auf einem Tandem-Fahrrad verlässt, hat mich immer fasziniert und verzaubert.
Diese völlig neue Interpretation des bekannten Liedes aus dem späten 19. Jahrhundert zeigt uns Daisys Perspektive.
Daisy Daisy, ooh,
Give me your answer, answer do!
I'm half crazy, crazy, ooh
All for the love of you! oh
Verse 1
There's a flower in my heart,
Planted by a passing dart,
Whether he loves me or not,
I’m longing to share his lot
And I long to hear him say.
Repeat Chorus:
Verse 2
It won't be a stylish marriage,
You know we can't afford a carriage,
But we'll look sweet upon the seat
Of a bicycle made for two!
And I love it when I hear him say, he says...
Repeat Chorus:
Repeat Chorus: I love you, Daisy, Daisy…
I’ll stand by you in weal or woe,
I'll wear your ring, you know! X 2
Say I do,
I’m crazy for you,
All for the love of you – Bicycle made for two x 4
All for the love of you
Repeat Intro
music: estledaire - 2016 (tanya matefi)
lyrics: estledaire adapted from “Daisy Bell”
by Harry Dacre 1892
You said, “See you later”,
But what you meant by that,
Took more patience than I got, than I got.
Get to another lonely night,
What’s your plan?
Well babe you might, baby you might….
It's always “wait and see”,
Do you have a little time left for me?
It's always touch and go,
Coz you can't give what you don't know.
Well in my dream I was lying on the floor,
You’d abandoned me for “something more”.
Baby, my heart, my heart was rent,
When you left, oh baby, when you went.
Oh baby, my heart, my heart was rent,
When you left, oh baby, when you went,
you said...
You said, “See you later”,
But what you meant by that,
Took more patience than I got, than I got.
Get to another lonely night,
What’s your plan?
Well babe you might, baby you might….
It's always “wait and see”,
But wait and see just 'aint enough for me, no.
When the chips are down,
When I'm in need you're not around.
Woke up with your arms around me,
You said I was your best lady,
Dry your tears, it will get better someday,
But then you had to go away!
See you later baby – repeat and skat till end.
And I said,
“See you later!”
estledaire 05/2017
(tanya michelle matefi)

track 4
Wer hätte gedacht, dass eine Trennung so funky sein kann!
track 5
Ich wusste immer, dass mein erstes Album, "under my hat", heißen würde. Das symbolisiert die Veröffentlichung dieser Songs und Ideen, die ich die meiste Zeit meines Lebens geheim gehalten hatte.
Nach einem großen Lebenswandel, bei dem es um
"jetzt oder nie" ging, schrieb ich zu dieser entscheidenden Zeit den Titelsong des Albums, der die Überwindung von Zweifeln beschreibt, um einen Traum zu verwirklichen.
Alle Bilder in dem Lied stammen aus Momenten in meinem Leben.
Verse 1
In a musty cupboard,
Sings a peculiar bird.
Her voice is muffled by coats
Wool, fluff and dust in her throat.
But there’s a strange bird,
singing a strange song
Nobody knew, but she was there all along
Couldn’t keep it in.
Muted by doubt,
But now it’s time to let it out.
Look to the sky, oh
Go up to the hilltops Tannies
Don’t hide your light,
Sing out!
Sing with the birds, oh,
High up in the treetops Tannies,
Don’t doubt your worth, Sing out!
Even if no-one understands x 3
Sing out!
Verse 2
There’s a grey, felt hat,
The song comes from under that.
Her voice is muffled by jeans
Her words unheard, her ideas unseen.
Yet it whispers like a dream
Don’t fear, if you don’t understand
Everything will be alright,
Coz I’ll take your hand.
I’ll take you to the sky,
Take you up to the hilltops Tannies
Don’t hide your light,
Sing out!
Take you to sing with the birds, oh,
High up in the treetops Tannies,
Don’t doubt your worth, Sing out!
Even if no-one understands x 3
Sing out!
Slow Chorus:
There’s a strange bird
Sitting on a rock
She sings to the sea
She avoids those, who mock
So nobody sees.
But there’s a strange bird
She watches the tide
As she sings to the sea,
As the surf rides, she abides
Till the day, the song will be free.
Repeat Chorus
Ooooh, Sing out!
estledaire : 2016
(tanya michelle matefi)
Es gibt einen Grund, warum es "falling in love" genannt wird.
Du siehst es nicht kommen, du kannst es nicht aufhalten
du verliebst dich in jemanden, aber du schlägst nicht auf!
Und etwas ebenso Unvorhergesehenes geschah, als ich diesem Song den letzten Schliff gab. Die Akkordfolge simuliert das Fallen, und ich konnte mich nicht entscheiden, auf welcher Note ich enden sollte und spielte mit drei absteigenden Noten.
... dann geschah Magie ...
Das Experimentieren mit den drei Tönen führte dazu, dass meine Finger eine neue Zupftechnik entdeckten, die die Idee des "fallenden" und "schwebens" weiter unterstreicht.
glückliger Zufall, wie das Verlieben!
I’ve fallen for ya,
Without making a sound,
I’ve fallen for ya,
Without touching the ground,
Well I’ve fallen for ya,
Do you know what that means?
I’ve fallen for ya,
You - you could fulfill my dreams.
I was so lonely,
When you found me, baby
And you didn’t need to say a thing.
Without a word,
I knew that I was heard,
And I started falling.
Repeat Chorus
I’m floating,
You don’t know that,
You have a special ability,
When you come round,
I can’t come down,
That’s the effect you have on me.
I’m high as a kite
When I think that you might,
Feel the way I do,
Yeah I’m lighter than air,
When I think that you care,
Coz I’ve fallen for you.
Repeat Chorus
estledaire 08.2017
(tanya michelle matefi)

track 6
The endless winter,
Dragged on, and on,
Till the day that you came
As if you created
A pocket of timelessness,
And stopped the rain.
Ooh-hoo, see the past pictures
Timeless mountain,
magic-lit with stars.
Oh yeah, skies blue, forgotten,
Only day’s last glance,
in the deep indigo
merging into the dark.
Furore of the street,
for unmoment, became quiet.
hurtling through the years,
could not bring us, back into time.
The seasonless summer,
Was like no other,
A sparkling prime.
You rendered
When you left,
All things, flat and lifeless,
in insubstantial time.
Ooh-hoo, unjustifiable,
leaving what we, never even knew.
Yeah, after what happened,
Couldn’t reconcile myself to life
without you, ooh hoo.
Repeat Chorus
While we were singing tonight, a marked hush fell,
it was that slowing of everything, that is torrential rain.
And somehow I was eased, my heartbeat calmed,
In the drenching of the storm, all else was drowned.
Repeat Chorus
Counter melody:
Finding in the storm,
A place dry though walled with rain.
In this quiet storm tonight,
I commune with you again.
Closed bracket of rain.
The world forever changed.
A life flashed before our eyes.
but I’ll never see you again.
I’ll never see you again.
estledaire 2012
(tanya michelle matefi)

track 7
Ein Moment trauriger Dankbarkeit,
ein kurzer Abschied von einer schönen Zeit,
akzeptieren, dass es nie wieder kommt.

track 8
Ist es ein Teddybär?
Ist es ein Schaf?
Nein, Talina ist die "sheepiest", doofste am meisten
liebenswerter Hundin, den du je gesehen hast!
Ja, sie hat ein paar widerliche und stinkende Angewohnheiten, das landet sie in der Badewanne,
und sie liebt es, in ihrer Hundebox zu schlafen, aber ....
"When she gives you that sheepish look,
You always let her off the hook"
Talina, Talina, you’re sleeping in the box tonight!
Oh Talina, Talina, coz what you do it just ain’t right!
Oh Talina!
Verse 1
I can’t get no sleep
Talina’s on the beat
As she feels the heat,
Oh, now she’s howling at the moon,
Won’t fall asleep too soon,
till she’s out the room.
Oh, you’re going in the box tonight,
Yeah you’re going in the box tonight
Talina’s in the box tonight
You’re going in the box tonight,
Yeah you’re going in the box tonight
Talina’s in the dog box tonight!
Repeat Chorus
Verse 2
If you wonder, ew, what is that,
I think I smell a rat?
Check the welcome mat!
Or maybe that disgusting and hideous pong,
Is her favourite roll-on,
“Old Mice” odour colon!
Repeat Chorus
Then you give me that sheepish look
That always gets you, off the hook,
And when I think you’re safely in your den,
You just do it all over again and again
Oh Talina! x 4
You’re sleeping in the box, tonight, x 4
Repeat Chorus x 2
estledaire 03.2014
(tanya michelle matefi)

track 9
was mother zu Ausdrucken bringt ist:
die Hoffnung, dass ein geliebter Mensch von einer schweren Krankheit genesen wird –
der Glaube, dass immer noch Wunder geschehen
und das war in der Tat der Fall. 🤍
Verse 1
Don’t remember when you were young,
the days before it had begun.
The girl in the old photos couldn’t have known,
That the seeds were already sown.
Mother, sent from one to another
Mother, the tides pulled us under
Mother, you accepted the thunder,
For this one, and her brother
We say “thanks, now you be blessed.”
Though we feel so helpless.
Verse 2
The darkened room, the damp facecloth.
Soaking the pain,
Eating the wrath.
Relief withheld, the babies grown
Echoing walls, in an empty home
We said “God forbid,” but it still came to this!
Verse 3
The girl and the old photos are blurred,
Only the alterer remains unaltered
And though the waves, the waves, the waves of pain,
tear you asunder,
you don’t count the cost,
Oh my mother, oh my mother.
We say, “thanks, now you be blessed.” Though we feel so helpless.
Second Part
So helpless, my mother,
Still I pray you will recover,
Get to know that miracles still occur,
Get to know the touch that stills the hurt.
Though we feel so helpless,
we say “mother, be blessed.”
Be blessed, miracles occur. (repeat till end)
estledaire - 2016
(tanya michelle matefi)

track 10
Little girl, though you’ve grown,
You’re still the same girl,
I’ve always known.
Young woman, now I see in you,
Both all you were,
and what you still will do.
Through the years, I made a nest,
and tried to teach you,
what’s for your best,
But, more than you will ever guess
You taught me too, what it means to be blessed.
Now you are growing your own wings,
Your life’s about to begin.
Young woman,
though you’ll leave childhood,
I’ll always love you,
a hundred acre wood.
Little girl you will always find shelter here,
But I know I’ll see you soar when your time to fly is near.
When your confidence grows,
You can stand on your own,
But you’ll take with you
The love from your home.
Now you are growing your own wings,
Your life’s about to begin.
Young woman, though you’ll leave childhood
I’ll always love you, a hundred acre wood
Little girl, though you’ve grown,
You’re still the same girl, I’ve loved and known.
Young woman, though you’ll leave childhood,
I’ll always love you, a hundred acre wood.
for iola
estledaire 15 December 2014
(tanya michelle matefi)
an meine Tochter zum 15. Geburtstag geschrieben, über diese besondere Zeit im Leben,
kein Kind mehr, aber noch keine Frau.
eine Schlafenszeit,
während der Gutenachtgeschichte, Kuschelzeit,
der Ausdruck "i love you a hundred acre wood"
entstand zwischen uns,
um zu bedeuten: "ich liebe dich endlos." 🤍

🤍 du! 🤍 was du alles tust! 🤍
track 13
estledaire 2016
(tanya michelle matefi)

track 12
Ein Lied, das ich für meine damals 5-jährige Nichte geschrieben habe, die mit ihrem Elan und ihrer Tatkraft eine Inspiration ist. Ein echter Hit im Kindergarten!
Ready, steady, fall down,
Elodie, you tumble to the ground,
In a cascade of golden curls,
You collapse in a heap of giggles.
With your infectious mirth,
You jump back up from the earth,
You just can’t wait to begin again,
so you spin,
And you say:
“Ready, steady, go!
Get up again!
Ready, steady, go!
Get up again!
Ready, steady, go!”
When you fall down,
Get up again.
Get up again.
Ready, steady, fall down,
Sometimes the world seems to spin round,
Sometimes you’re bound to hit the dirt,
And at times life’s gonna hurt.
But when things get you down,
You know that they are gonna to turn round.
Get back up and try again,
And say:
Repeat Chorus
When you fall down,
Get back up off the ground!
When life gets you down,
Get back up off the ground,
And say:
“Ready, steady, go….
When you fall down Get up again. X 4
for Elodie:
estledaire 5 November 2017
(tanya michelle matefi)
Snowfall from my frozen heart,
Wild geese over glacier fly,
Return in spring heal hardened hurt,
Melt my tears, Truth free my cry,
Melt my tears, Truth free my cry.
Verse 1
Soul ice-cracked
Cold-burnt dry.
Silenced songs,
Mourning sigh.
Edge of tempest,
War alone.
Seeds sometimes in sorrow sown,
Seeds sometimes in sorrow sown.
Repeat Chorus
Verse 2
Expression feared,
No relief
Drought-stricken eyes
Reach inside,
Acknowledge pain,
Open up to healing rain
Open up to healing rain
Repeat Chorus
estledaire 1995
(tanya michelle matefi)

track 13
In jedem Leben, ob in der Wärme des afrikanischen Sommers oder in der Kälte eines europäischen Winters, gibt es einen Winter der Seele.
Doch wie in der Natur kehrt der Frühling immer wieder zum Geist zurück, manchmal angekündigt durch die Rückkehr der Wildgänse, die im keltischen Christentum traditionell ein Symbol für den Heiligen Geist waren.
Snowfall drückt aus, wie der erste Schritt zur Heilung ist, sich der Wahrheit von Schmerz und Verlust zu stellen und uns zu erlauben, zu trauern, und wie wir in Zeiten der Trauer lernen und finden können, dass Gott ein treuer Tröster ist, dessen Freude immer wiederkehrt, wie Gänse im Frühling .

track 14
Einen Monat, nachdem ich mit dem Gitarrenunterricht begonnen hatte, übte ich vor dem Schlafengehen und wachte am nächsten, verregneten Morgen mit einer eindringlichen neuen Melodie auf.
Ich summte sie den ganzen Tag, und als ich im Regen mit dem Auto fuhr, bemerkte ich, dass der Rhythmus genau dem der Scheibenwischer entsprach.
Mir kamen Bilder in den Sinn, die mit Gesprächen und Diskussionen zu tun hatten, an denen ich in den Wochen zuvor teilgenommen hatte.
Und diese Bilder entfalteten sich wie ein lebendiger Film in meinem Kopf und wurden zu dieser Geschichte über eine Familie, die eine Beinahe-Tragödie erlebt, von der sie sich nur schwer erholen kann, die ihnen aber hilft, zu erkennen, was wichtig ist, und ein viel reicheres Leben zu führen, so dass sie für das, was an diesem Regentag geschah, nur dankbar sein können.
Part 1
I won’t look at the photos
Won’t think of what happened to you,
When my heart is still bleeding,
Like the rain bleeding in through the windscreen
where you bled too,
and the wipers still beating
In time with your heart, and then not
as your life ebbed away
red lights flickered and faded
I still talk to you though I am not sure
you hear what I say,
oh please do not leave me…..
Did you hear the sound of the sirens that sped
You to the place where I wait by your bed
Praying our last words are not the last said.
I fall asleep with my head on your chest,
I dream about the day we first met.
And all of our memories, time after time,
My life’s yours.
Your death’s mine.
Part 2
Now I walk on a path
Through the forest where your car lost its way,
Moisture dripping from leaves.
I come every year
Rain or cheer
But it’s raining today,
Softly falling like tears
It’s a place where life ended
But I don’t come here to grieve – no
Though I can hardly breathe,
I lay flowers on the ground
When I turn around
You are reaching for me,
here was also life’s reprieve.
I woke to the sound of a flat-line ring
Warnings, hands pushing me, people running
You’d become abstract, lifeless body wracked,
As they, tried to bring you back
Unreal, that’s not you!
Nothing like I knew!
Nothing I can do!
I cannot go with you!
But unseen you struggled as all my hopes died
Fought somehow, to open your eyes…
You wanted more,
Than the life you knew before,
So after you fought for life,
You were somehow most alive
And in spite of fear, yes in spite of pain
Near-loss taught us both, the lessons of rain
Part 3
For a life led more fully, we give thanks as we quietly pray,
As we’re so grateful for that rainy day.
estledaire november 2013
(tanya michelle matefi)t
Wholesome, come,
to the end of the day,
Can’t wait, to hear what you say,
I just like hearing your thoughts.
Wholesome, you’re with me all through the day.
I think, of all that you say,
And I am grateful to know you.
Who, oh, who, who are you?
That you do what you do?
That you bring out my best,
That you help me find rest?
Could this be wholesome?
Just what I needed,
To feel completed?
To feel me some wholesome,
la, da, da, da ,da,
la, da, da, da, da
la, da, da, da, da, da.
estledaire 23 May 2021
(tanya michelle matefi)

track 15
Bei diesem Lied ist etwas passiert, was ich noch nie erlebt habe. Es war nicht ungewöhnlich, dass ich mit der Melodie und dem ersten Wort "wholesome" aufgewacht bin. Aber als ich es auf meinem Handy aufnehmen wollte, floss das ganze Lied in weniger als 2 Minuten heraus. "wholesome" kam zu mir als "a whole Song". Es war der Höhepunkt von vielen Gesprächen mit lieben Menschen und vielen harmonischen Dingen, die sich gegenseitig ergänzten.
Und es war genau das, was wir brauchten,
um das Album zu vollenden!